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Garry Davis - A Global Odyssey

Dear World, A Global Odyssey

Garry Davis
ISBN 0-97064833-1-6

Dear World, A Global Odyssey is a rollicking, extraordinary global panorama of one man's continuing personal crusade to "live" One World & One Humanity. Besides being a devastating critique of nationalism, it is a practical guide for anyone interested in world peace through law, the freedom to travel, & human rights.
The main locale is Japan where World Citizen Davis landed while on a world tour as a 1988 candidate for US president; informed the Emperor of his arrival; issued World Passports to Sakharov, the mayors of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, & Tokyo; & to thousands of Southeast Asians working "illegally" in Japan. Finally deported by the Japanese Government back to the United States, he was admitted on his own World Passport!
Beginning with the founding of the UN & ending with his world tour after the Berlin Wall breakdown, Davis covers individual sovereignty, how to claim to be a world citizen, mundialization (communities declaring themselves global units), the World Syntegrity® Project, the exciting new grassroots process designed to evolve a democratic world constitution, & the continuing, historical evolution of the World Government of World Citizens he founded in 1953 following the sensational events of 1948-50, recounted in his first two books, My Country Is the World & Passport to Freedom.

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