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Die Weltbürger-Stiftung ist eine gemeinnützige, parteiunabhängige Einrichtung, die sich der Lösung von internationalen Problemen widmet.

The World Citizen Foundation is a nonprofit nonpartisan think-tank dedicated to the design of solutions to international problems based on the fundamental principles of equal human dignity, liberty, democracy and constitutionally protected basic rights of all.

The World Citizen Foundation is a private foundation. It was incorporated in Vermont, USA (February 1996) and started its activities in 1998.

Der internationale Vorstand:

- Troy Davis, President and Founder
Author of "Appel une Democratie Mondiale"
Author of "A favor de una Democracia Mundial"
Member of the Federal Board, Union of European Federalists, Brussels
Member of the Board, Institute for European Environmental Counselling, Strasbourg
Member of Steering Committee, Millennium NGO Forum, New York

- Sunita Gandhi, 1. Vice-President
President, Council for Global Education, Washington, D.C.
Founder, Icelandic International School, Reykjavik
Founder, Global Concepts International School, Prague
Member, International Advisory Board, Teachers Without Borders, USA
Member of Advisory Board of Child Research Net, Tokyo
Member of Brain Trust of Digital Partners, Seattle
formerly at the World Bank

- Stephan Mögle-Stadel, 2. Vice-President
Author of "Dag Hammarskjöld, Vision einer Menscheitsethik"
Author, Die Unteilbarkeit der Erde
Editor, Boutros Boutros Ghali's book UNorganisierte Welt
Founder and President, WFM-Germany

- Jose Manuel Aguilar
Author, El 0'7% del PIB y el Di?logo Norte-Sur
President, North-South Institute, Madrid
Member of the Board, UN Association of Spain, Barcelona
former Chief of Division, Directorate General for Development, European Commission, Brussels

- Joyce Mitchell
Vice-President, International Relations, Guinea Development Corporation, USA/Guinea
Committee Member, UN Global Compact, USA
former Program Planner in Iran and Afghanistan for the UN

- Frank Bourne
Member of the Board, American Veterans Committee, USA
formerly at US State Department, USA

- Michael Ford Deegan
Founder & Managing Director, Ambos Group
Managing Partner, North America, Paladin Associates